
Privacy Policy

Zenyum Japan Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Zenyum") recognizes the importance of protecting the personal information of our customers and, in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, we take our responsibility to properly manage, protect, and handle user information, including personal information of our customers (hereinafter referred to as "personal information, etc."). We take seriously our responsibility to properly manage, protect, and process your personal information (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information, etc."). This privacy policy ("Policy") describes how we collect, use, and disclose your Personal Information through your interactions with our services, websites, platforms, devices, applications, programs, servers, and software, including the following assets owned and operated by us This Privacy Policy ("Policy") describes how we collect, use, disclose or process your personal information through your interactions with our services, websites, platforms, devices, applications, programs, servers and software, including the following assets owned and operated by us

The Company may use (i) www.zenyum.comおよび関連するアプリケーションやサービスを含む, a website owned and operated by the Company (the "Company Website"), (ii) official social media channels created by the Company on any social media platform (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIN, WeChat, YouTube, Telegram, WhatsApp, LinkedIN, WeChat, YouTube, Telegram, WhatsApp), (ii) official social media channels created by us on any social media platform (the "Our Channels"), and (iii) all other properties that reference this Policy in links or otherwise (the "Our Services"). properties (collectively, the "Company Services"). This Policy applies to all interactions between us and you, and to any other Services that reference or link to this Privacy Policy.

本ポリシーにおいて、「個人情報」とは、お客様が当社サービスをご利用になることにより、お客様が当社に提供した、または当社がお客様から収集した、個人を特定できる情報(他の情報と容易に照合することができ、 それにより特定の個人を識別することができることとなるものを含む。)で、生存する個人に関する情報を意味します。 本ポリシーをよくお読みいただき、当社がお客様の個人情報等をどのように管理、保護、処理するかについてご質問がある場合は、当社のデータ保護担当者([email protected])までご連絡ください。

This Policy is governed by the laws of Japan. By continuing to use our services, you agree to the terms and conditions of this policy and our Terms of Use (accessible at, which supersede any other agreement we may have with you regarding the use of your personal data. This agreement supersedes any other agreement we may have with you regarding the use of your personal data. Certain features of our Website and our Channels require you to provide us with your Personal Data, and if you do not provide us with such requested information, we may not be able to provide you with our services.

We do not intend to collect personal information from persons under the age of 18, unless such personal information has been collected from their parent or guardian or with the prior consent of their parent or guardian, but we cannot prevent such persons from accessing or visiting our website or our channels. However, we cannot prevent such persons from accessing or visiting our website or our channels. If you are under the age of 18 (or the age necessary to lawfully access or use our Services), your consent, access, and modification rights are granted only by your parent or guardian. If you are the parent or guardian of such an individual, by providing us with personal data of an individual under the age of 18, you hereby consent to the processing of such individual's personal data and other information in accordance with applicable law, and you agree to be personally bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy and to comply with all applicable laws in connection with the Website and You agree to be personally bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy and to take full responsibility for the actions of such individuals in connection with the Website and the Channels. If you do not agree to this Policy, or if you do not have the consent of your parent, legal guardian or other legal representative, please notify us immediately and discontinue using our Services.

  1. Personal information, etc. that we collect
    • We provide orthodontic treatment using our Zenyum Invisible Braces and related products developed by us in cooperation with dentists registered to practice dentistry in Japan or other third party service providers (collectively, the Zenyum Treatment").
    • Subjects of Personal Information Collected
      By using our services, you may be subject to the collection of personal information about any of the following individuals.
      (i) Website or Channel visitors
      (ii) Customers (iii) Patients (including past or prospective patients)
      (iv) Parents/guardians of such patients
      (v) Dentists/other dental care professionals
    • Collection of Personal Data and Other Information
      In order to use the Services, you may from time to time be asked to provide personal data such as your name, age, contact information, dental health information (including image data), and geographic location. We may collect your personal data directly from you, your authorized representative, and/or our third party service providers (such as partners and third party applications) in order to tailor your experience and improve our Services.
    • Personal information requiring special consideration
      Personal information requiring special consideration means personal information that includes the person's race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal record, the fact that the person has been harmed by a crime, and other descriptions specified by a Cabinet Order as requiring special consideration in handling the information to prevent unjust discrimination, prejudice, or other disadvantages to the person. We may acquire personal information with special consideration in connection with dental treatment after obtaining the consent of the individual concerned. Except for the cases stipulated in each item of Article 17, Paragraph 2 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Company will not acquire personal information without the consent of the person whose information is required.

    • By accessing or using the Services, or by providing us with your Personal Data, we will assume that you understand and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and consent to our collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data and other information. If you do not agree to any of these terms, you will be deemed to have agreed to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to any of these terms, please do not access or use our Services or provide us with your personal data.
  2. Purpose of collection, use, disclosure and processing of personal information, etc.
    • We use your personal data to provide you with relevant services and to operate our business. We may also use the data we collect to communicate with you, such as to inform you about new features of the Services, security updates, or information about your account.
    • Your personal data may also be used to display more relevant information, content, and advertising to you through the Services or third party applications and in combination with information from other sources.
    • The purposes for which the Company uses customers' personal information, etc., include the following

      • To process, record, monitor and fulfill your transactions and requests.
      • To promote the provision of this service
      • Communicate with clients for research, marketing, advertising and promotions
      • Administrative matters, such as processing your purchases and subscriptions to the Services, managing your account, and subscribing to our mailing lists.
      • Diagnosis and maintenance of this service
      • To maintain the security of this service.
      • To protect you and other users and visitors of the Services.
      • Enforcement of our policies and procedures
      • To receive questions, feedback, and complaints from customers.
      • To notify customers as appropriate.
    • If you are a visitor, a patient (including a past or prospective patient), or a parent/guardian of such patient (collectively, "Patient"), our use of your personal information may include the following

      • To allow access to online facilities and to make appointments with affiliated dentists/other dental care providers
      • To provide customers with details of dentists and other dental professionals.
      • To prepare a preliminary suitability assessment report to determine suitability for Zenyum treatment.
    • If you are a dentist or other dental professional, the purposes for which your personal information and other information may be used include the following

      • To provide information about prospective or actual patients.
      • To accept appointments or other requests from patients; and/or
      • To create a profile that can be viewed by the patient (including the dentist's name and contact information, the name and contact information of the dentist's office, and relevant information such as practice experience and areas of expertise).
    • The manner in which your personal information is used (the purpose for which it is used) will vary from time to time depending on the circumstances, but will be used in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
    • The Company may change the purposes of use stipulated above to the extent reasonably deemed relevant to the purposes of use prior to such change, and in the event of such change, the Company will notify the customer, post a notice on the Company's website, or otherwise publicly announce such change.
    • We may process and use your personal information to facilitate a change of control or sale of our company or to facilitate a reorganization or other corporate reorganization.
  3. Provision and Sharing of Customers' Personal Data with Third Parties
    • As a general rule, we will not provide personal information or personal information requiring special consideration to third parties without the consent of the user. However, in the following cases, personal information may be provided to a third party without the user's consent to the extent that it does not violate related laws and regulations.

      • When provided with the consent of the user
      • When required by law
      • When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
      • When it is especially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned
      • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.
      • In the event of a merger, corporate separation, transfer of business, or other such event that results in the succession of a business that contains the personal information of the user.
    • When we provide personal information to a third party based on the user's consent, we will make and keep a record of the following matters.

      • Prior consent must be obtained from the user.
      • the name of such third party and other matters sufficient to identify such third party
      • The name of the person identified by the personal information and other information sufficient to identify that person
      • Items of personal information
    • The Company may entrust a third party with the handling of all or part of the personal information (including personal information requiring special consideration to the extent necessary for Zenyum treatment) obtained from Users to the extent necessary to achieve the Purposes of Use. In such cases, the Company may outsource the handling of all or part of the personal information (including sensitive personal information to the extent necessary for Zenyum treatment) to a third party. In such cases, we will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that the information is appropriately and safely managed by the third party to which the information is entrusted.
    • If we provide your personal information to a third party, we will use our best efforts to require such third party to protect your personal information.
    • We will share your personal information, etc. (including personal information requiring special consideration to the extent necessary for Zenyum treatment) as follows. (including personal information necessary for the treatment of Zenyum) as follows

      Items of personal information to be shared All personal information obtained [with our parent company] [Group companies and affiliated dentists other than our parent company] Name, contact information (phone number, e-mail address, etc.), data on dental images and conditions
      Scope of joint use Our parent company, group companies and affiliated dentists
      Purpose of joint use To prepare a preliminary compatibility assessment report to determine suitability for Zenyum treatment, to develop a treatment plan for the client in conjunction with aligner creation, and to support the client's Zenyum treatment.
      Name of the person responsible for the management of personal information to support your Zenyum treatment for planning purposes Zenyum Japan Inc.
    • By using our Services, you agree that it is reasonably necessary for us to transfer your personal data to various countries in order to provide the Services to you.
  4. Requests for disclosure or correction of personal information
    • お客様は、いつでも書面による要求を[email protected]に提出することにより、当社が保有する個人データへの開示または訂正を要求することができます。
    • In order to fulfill your request, we may ask for further information from you to verify your identity and the nature of your request. We may also ask you to pay a fee in order to fulfill your request.
    • When we have sufficient information to respond to your request, we will endeavor to provide you with the relevant personal data or information within 30 days of your request, unless otherwise specified. However, we may not be able to perform these procedures if we are not obligated to do so under the Personal Data Protection Law or other laws or regulations, if the same request is repeated without justification, or if it would require excessive technical work.
  5. Request for deletion or suspension of use (withdrawal of consent) of personal information
    • お客様がご自身の個人データの使用に対する同意を撤回し、削除または利用停止をされたい場合は、直ちに本サービスのご利用を中止していただき、[email protected]宛にご自身の個人情報等の収集、使用、共有の中止を希望される旨を記載して当社にお知らせください。また、お客様は、 特定の目的のための個人データの使用に対する同意を撤回することもできますので、お客様のご要望にお応えできるよう、通知には十分かつ具体的な情報を記載してください。
    • However, if you withdraw your consent, there may be certain legal consequences resulting from such withdrawal. In this connection, depending on the extent of your withdrawal of consent to our processing of your personal data, you may not be able to continue your existing relationship with us.
    • We may not be able to carry out these procedures if we are not obligated to do so under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations, if the same request is repeated many times without justifiable reason, or if excessive technical work is required with respect to the customer's request.
  6. Retention, management and operation of personal information, etc.
    • Based on the information you provide to us, we will use reasonable efforts to ensure that your personal and other information is accurate and complete. You should ensure that all information provided to us is up to date and notify us of any relevant changes.
    • We respect your privacy and have security measures in place to ensure that your Personal Information, etc. is properly protected and secure. We also take steps to ensure that your Personal Information, etc. in our possession or control is destroyed and/or anonymized at a reasonable point in time when it is reasonably expected that we will (i)Retention of the Personal Information, etc. no longer serves the purpose for which such Personal Information, etc. was collected. (ii) the retention is no longer necessary for other legal or business purposes; or (iii) the Personal Information, etc. is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
    • Other than as described above, personal information we collect will generally be retained only for as long as reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was provided, and we may subsequently destroy or delete any information or personal information you provide unless required by law, regulation, or other business or auditing requirements. Unless required by law, regulation, or other business or auditing requirements, we may subsequently destroy or delete any information or personal information you provide.
    • If your Personal Information, etc. is transferred outside of Japan or other jurisdiction where the Personal Information, etc. was collected, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that the recipient of the Personal Information, etc. is bound by legally enforceable obligations to protect your Personal Information, etc. in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Protection Law. We shall take reasonable steps to ensure that recipients of Personal Information are bound by legally enforceable obligations to protect your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act.
  7. If you are a user of public account settings on our Channels or other social media platforms and use hashtags related to Zenyum groups, Zenyum treatments, promotions, products or services, we may obtain your reviews of our services from our channels and post them on our website and channels for the purpose of sharing your opinions about our products with our website and channel visitors. If you do not want your review/feedback/content to be published on our website or channels, you hereby agree not to use such hashtag

    on our channels or about your experience related to Zenyum treatment. If you answer "yes" to a request for permission to post or otherwise make available content on our channels or social media platforms or to share your content on our website or channels, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and agree to the terms and conditions set forth on the website or channels. You represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and agree to the terms and conditions set forth on the website or channel.
  8. 苦情処理
    本ポリシーのいずれかの条項、当社によるあなたの個人情報等の使用に同意されない場合、あるいは当社によるあなたの個人情報等の取り扱いについて苦情や不満がある場合は、 以下の連絡先に詳細をお寄せください。

    [email protected]
  9. Data Protection Policy Update
    • As part of our efforts to properly manage, protect and process your personal data, we will review our policies, procedures and processes and may update the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time at our absolute discretion. The revised Privacy Policy will be posted on our website and can be accessed at
    • We encourage you to visit the above websites from time to time to fully understand our latest policies regarding the protection of personal information.
  10. Cookie Policy
    • We may collect de-identified information from you (or your agent) to support our business and to provide you with relevant services. Such anonymized and de-identified information may be transferred, disclosed, assigned, leased, licensed, sold or otherwise shared with our partners, service providers, advertisers and/or other third parties for purposes permitted by law.
    • Cookies (small text files placed on your device that record information about your preferences and allow you to log in, serve you interest-based advertising, and analyze the performance of our services) are an example of such anonymized data that we collect. Cookies allow us to collect information about your browsing habits and to improve your user experience. There may also be third-party cookies present on our websites and channels. For more information about cookies, please visit
    • You can control cookies through your web browser settings. This allows you to decide which cookies to allow and which cookies to reject. Please note that if you reject the use of cookies on our websites and channels, you may not be able to access all of the features offered by our websites and channels.
    • Our advertising partners may also send cookies to your browser or device when you click on an advertisement placed on the Service. In addition, if you click on a link to a third party website or service, the third party may also send a cookie to you.
    • This Policy does not cover the use of cookies by third parties and we are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of third parties. Cookies placed by third parties may continue to track your online activity even after you have left the Services. Please be aware that these third parties may not honor any "Do Not Track" requests you may have set through your browser or device.
    • If you do not agree to our use of cookies, please change your browser settings accordingly or do not use the Service.
  11. Changes to this Policy
    • The Company shall review the operational status of the handling of personal information, etc. from time to time and strive for continuous improvement, and may amend this policy from time to time as necessary.
    • The revised policy will be posted on the Company's services or on the website operated by the Company, or otherwise announced in an easily understandable manner. However, in the event of a change that requires the consent of the user under the law, we will obtain the user's consent in a manner separately determined by us.